
SA Weddings

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Nomaswazi Dlamini

Married on Sep 2, 2022 in Kwa-Zulu Natal

How did your love story begin?


We met in a taxi rank in 2004..when I saw him I had butterflies in my stomach and hoped he will sit next to me in the taxi, nd God everyone ignored my seat and went to other seats. He sat next to me and we had a long conversation until I reach my destination, he never asked for my contact number and I felt so sad. A week after he called me and told me he asked around my neighborhood for my contact number, luckily when he told his friend about the girl he met in a taxi it turned out, I and his friend worked at the same organization and he knew me... Long story short, we went for a movie date and we started dating since 2004 Nov to date❤️❤️

Tell us all about the proposal.


He proposed in 2011, imagine after 7 year.. He came with my favorite Nandos mild with extra sauce meal.. He put the ring on top of the salad.. When my hands were dirt because I started with meat then when I went for my salad boom a silver sterling small ring... Then he laughed nd asked me to marry him, we were still struggling that time trying to build our careers.

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