
SA Weddings

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Lee-Ann Swanepoel

Married on Jul 31, 2021 in Free State


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2021

Click here to open the 2021 competition page

How did your love story begin?


I met my fiance on 08 December 2018. We had a mutual friend in common which he was visiting that weekend. They asked him to go do the parkrun with them that day where I was volunteering as photographer. I was taking photos roughly at the 1km mark (having no idea what the route looked like or how far there was still to run at the time) saw him running by and I remember telling him he was doing so well and that he was almost done (thinking I was a lot closer to the 5km which I really wasn't). He is much younger than me so I didn't think anything would come of it but I thought he was cute. We ended up having a braai at our friends house that night and we really just hit it off. He was living in Bethlehem at the time while I was living in Virginia. He came and visited me every weekend after that for 6 months until I moved to Bethlehem to be with him in June 2019.

Tell us all about the proposal.


Finally on 04 September 2020 he proposed in the sweetest way. He gathered as many photos of me and us as he could find and made a slideshow with a song that I really liked a lot (Nobody but you by Shelton Blake and Gwen Stefani) asking if I will marry him on the last slides. He uploaded the video on youtube (link: ). We were at home on the couch when he told me he wanted me to see this really nice video he found on youtube and as soon as the last slide showed he went on one knee and asked me if I will marry him. Obviously I said yes.

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