
SA Weddings

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Cara Chiocchetti (Cara Chiocchetti)

Cara Chiocchetti

Married on May 16, 2020 in Kwa-Zulu Natal


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2020

Click here to open the 2020 competition page

How did your love story begin?


Dev and I met through work but it was not love at first sight. Unexpected circumstances and the loss of a family member saw us having regular chats and going on coffee dates. It was through hardship that brought us together as a couple.

Tell us all about the proposal.


Wow this was completely unexpected! We were on a family trip in the Cayman Islands. We had saved long and hard to be able to be there with the family and although we had spoken of marriage, we had agreed (well I thought) that 2018 was not the right year. It was a tough year for us both and brought through many changes in our lives. Needless to say I begged him to go out on a beach horse ride with me since I adore my horse riding. Nothing peculiar happened that day or before the ride. We went swimming with the horses in the ocean and just after we returned I found my best friend getting down on one knee! Completely shocked and overwhelmed, it took me quite a few minutes before I had the words come out to say YES!!

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