
SA Weddings

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Natalie Dil (Dil)

Natalie Dil

Married on Mar 14, 2020 in Eastern Cape


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2020

Click here to open the 2020 competition page

The Honeymoon


We were planning to go to Mauritius for our honeymoon, but 2 weeks prior to our scheduled departure, we decided to rather put it on hold as we would have something else to look forward to in the coming months.
We joke that the 5 weeks lockdown was our honeymoon as we were blessed to have spent all that time together and made the most of it with fun dinner nights, doing projects together and spending quality time together. Having a restaurant and working a 14 hr day, 6 days a week, this was truly the best gift ever.

Wedding Gallery


My Special Day

Being a first time Bride, at the age of 50, a classic, yet elegant look just came naturally.
I am by nature, an earth soul. Before meeting with my Bridal Dress supplier, Casa Blair, I had to complete a questionnaire, detailing myself, which enabled Sue to have the best and most suitable dresses for me to try on the day of my appointment. Within 30 minute " The Dress" was chosen. Getting married in Nieu-Bethesda, our make-up and hair stylist, were entrusted by recommended providers from Graaff Reniet. Communication was done on whatsApp, with some images shared. Our first meeting was on the day of our wedding. That feeling we had known each other for along time and trust, resulted in what I imagined and wanted. The photographer was Sarina Engelbrecht, whom we only met the day before in the forest and the connection was instant. Sarina captured our personalities and complete love for each other.

The Venue

Our ceremony was in the Nieu- Bethesda Forest, surrounded by poplar trees and our precious family and friends.
The reception was at Die Waenhuis, in their outdoor courtyard.
It was a weekend affair, with guests arriving the day before for a social gathering on the Friday night at Nieu Karoo.
Some of the accommodation providers were Murraysfield, Starry Nights, And The Cow Jumped Over The Moon, Ibis Lounge and The Tower.