
SA Weddings

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Yolande van den Berg

Married on Dec 9, 2017 in Gauteng


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Magical Moments


Our wedding day boasted classical charm, style and romance. The day started off at the venue with a last breakfast with my parents as "boerenooi" Swart. My mother handed me her gold bracelet which was my father's gift tot her on my day of birth. This was the moment when the first joyous tears of the day started rolling!

As we both waited and dreamed for so long to take the big step, we decided to put heart and soul into every little detail. Everything was planned, and played out perfect in the end. Except for mom...she almost collapsed due to stress, but that is another story!

How absolutely dear my father was! Keeping me so calm before we walked into the chapel and so special when he gave me a little gift before he handed me over to Riaan! And what such joy it was when I felt the warmth of my husband-to-be's hand in mine and saw his charming smile!

The most precious part of the day has to be the pastor's excellent message. After the ceremony we set free white doves and the guests send balloons in the air with their own special wishes. Of course, handling birds can be challenging... Riaan had to grab his poor dove by the tail to keep it still until he could let it free! As the saying in Afrikaans goes...die vere het gewaai!

During the reception we were surprised by my sister's son and daughter (ages 9 and 11) who told our story in a funny and delightful fairy tale way, followed by their father who did a wonderful toast on us. How very heart warming!

As a token of symbolism, we also received a little antique porcelain container filled with five sugar coated nuts. Ages ago this was a trend at weddings to wish happiness, among other blessings, upon the bride and groom.

The wedding cake was brought in by five waiters, four of them carrying sparkles in front and behind the waiter who carried the cake. The dining room was darkened, only the flickering flames of candles and fairy sparkles could be seen. This was the "sparkling" end to the day which will forever sparkle in our hearts!

Thanks, mom and dad, you made us sparkle too!!

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